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About your e-mail (registration process)

Read first and carefully before sign in and using our forum. This section contains few topics about basic rules for a proper behavior on

Modérateurs : bluraydefectueux, vivaldi21

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Administrateur du site
Messages : 25748
Enregistré le : mar. 12 avr. 2016 14:19
Localisation : VAR (83)

About your e-mail (registration process)

Message par bluraydefectueux »

Few things about your e-mail

1. The e-mail domain used during the registration process, shall not be:

Code : Tout sélectionner

(this list may increase over the time)

2. Your e-mail shall not be composed with a random characters string

example: rtemedfedqasqszff(at)

If the email does not respect the two previous points, your registration will not be validated and your account will be deleted without notice.

Please note that every registration will be validated by a board administrator and every registration will be carefully compared with a list, from or simply checked with GOOGLE
Nombre de titres impactés: Je ne compte plus!

About your e-mail (registration process)


Publicité/Liens sponsorisés

Avatar du membre
Administrateur du site
Messages : 25748
Enregistré le : mar. 12 avr. 2016 14:19
Localisation : VAR (83)

[UPDATE] About your e-mail (registration process)

Message par bluraydefectueux »

We have settled a double checking process. That's a security measure to prevent bots registration and forum spamming.

How it works ?

Use our pre registration form first, because it's a compulsory step in the approval process of your account.

After filling the pre registration form you’ll be redirected automatically to the real forum registration form.
Please, in this form, you have to fill the exact same « alias/pseudonym » and email address you have filled in the pre registration form.
After the process through validation if these informations successfully match (we compare carefully aliases and emails between each forms) your access (R/W) to our international subsection will be granted.
Nombre de titres impactés: Je ne compte plus!

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