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Read first and carefully before sign in and using our forum. This section contains few topics about basic rules for a proper behavior on

Modérateurs : bluraydefectueux, vivaldi21

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Administrateur du site
Messages : 25748
Enregistré le : mar. 12 avr. 2016 14:19
Localisation : VAR (83)


Message par bluraydefectueux »

The registration on "" is totally free, however it is necessary to follow few rules

-Writing with the SMS style is not allowed.

-Politic or religious subjects, links to politic or religious websites aren't allowed. Every politics or religious matter will be deleted without warning!

-Things about hacking (threads, messages or links) aren't allowed

-Threads messages or links about sexual content aren't allowed

-Advertising and sponsorized links aren't allowed

-Avoid to type with uppercase letters (synonym of yelling)

-Abusive use of smileys is not recommanded because they disturb reading.

-A complete quotation of the previous message is not recommended (you have to quote a part of the message, the more important part)

-No real name, no real personnal informations (name, phone, adress etc.) in our threads Keep in mind that our forum is indexed regularly (every day in fact) by search engines.
If you need to correspond (with your personnal informations) with someone who's registred, use the Private Messages

-If someone is not agree with me I don't use strong or rude language to respond.

-If these rules are not followed, our moderators will notify you about 'rules' and in case of strong recidivism the staff will ban you.

-Keep in mind that our main purpose is to help you. we cannot allow you to write slanderous attacks against disc manufacturers or record companies. Keep in mind things must moving forward!

-Your responsibility is engaged with what you wrote. The responsability of our staff members and partners cannot be engaged.
In case of serious offending, '' with a request of the authorities, must give the IP address of the offender

-According to the french law you can ask to our staff to delete your account and all of your informations.

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Nombre de titres impactés: Je ne compte plus!



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