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Defective blu-ray, 4k discs and statistics are evoked in this section, even in case of doubt you can report a title. Every report is taken under consideration.
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Modérateurs : bluraydefectueux, vivaldi21

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Messages : 25750
Enregistré le : mar. 12 avr. 2016 14:19
Localisation : VAR (83)


Message par bluraydefectueux »

There's an interesting thread on

Early Blu-rays that may have playback issues (Criterion, Well Go USA, etc.)

The last report
My following dual layered discs have developed playback issues, due to disc bronzing.

JFK (Warner - Region A)
Hot Fuzz (Universal - Region A)
Grapes of Wrath (Fox - Region A)
Thelma and Louise (MGM - Region A)
Stalag 17 (Warner - Region A)
Green Mile (Warner - Region A)

Started checking my other dual layered discs...and noticed around 200 of them have the same disc bronzing issue. All of them are Region A discs that came in the ELITE cases, with the recycling logo cut out. Haven't checked them all yet but outlook isn't looking good.

Feeling well gutted as I kept them in excellent condition. My other 1500 discs (which were bought from UK stores) have no disc bronzing and were kept in the same room.

Might be worth double checking your discs (that came in ELITE cases).
Source: ... count=2722
Nombre de titres impactés: Je ne compte plus!



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Re: Reports

Message par Kanga »

I have a copy of Danton [GAUMONT, QOL] 2010 [3607483168523] which I bought via Amazon in 2013. It played fine then but now has gone a bronze colour and none of the three players I've tried it in will even recognize the disc. Is there are way I can get it exchanged for a working copy? Thanks for any replies.
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Messages : 25750
Enregistré le : mar. 12 avr. 2016 14:19
Localisation : VAR (83)

Re: Reports

Message par bluraydefectueux »

Yes I think you can, we can guide you through this process. Because of your membership group you're not allowed to access to the "procedures" section. But we can give you the contact information by PM.
Nombre de titres impactés: Je ne compte plus!
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Administrateur du site
Messages : 25750
Enregistré le : mar. 12 avr. 2016 14:19
Localisation : VAR (83)

Re: Reports

Message par bluraydefectueux »

Sorry I forgot something,

You have to activate the PM (Private Message) notifications by email to be warned about some new PM, see this tutorial (it's very easy), no translation sorry: ... ?f=9&t=737

Edit: One more thing, you can change de forum language here:

Langue: set "British" in the drop-down list.
Nombre de titres impactés: Je ne compte plus!

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